Our donors are supporting thousands of refugee families as they rebuild their lives through collaborative fundraising. Asylum Access’s work would not be possible without them.
You can take your support one step further by starting your own Classy.org peer-to-peer fundraising campaign and inviting others to join the movement for refugee rights!
If you are interested in fundraising for Asylum Access, please contact Lisa D’Annunzio for more information: lisa.dannunzio@asylumaccess.org
Online fundraising through JustGiving
If you are more used to crowdfunding through JustGiving, we’re on there too!
(Feature only available in Australia, Canada, EU, New Zealand, US, UK)
Traditional fundraising
What can be easier than collecting cash and check donations with your colleagues, club members or friends? You can also raise funds through a sponsored sports event or even a garage sale!
You can send collected funds to us through our donation platform or by sending a check made out to Asylum Access to C/O Port Workspaces, 344 Thomas L Berkley Way, Oakland, CA 94612. Let us know about your fundraising either through the description box on our donation platform or through a note with your check.
If people who joined in your fundraising would like to keep up with Asylum Access and the impact of their donation, feel free to send us a contact list. Equally, if you would like some materials and support from us to help jazz up your fundraising campaign, feel free to contact Lisa D’Annunzio at lisa.dannunzio@asylumaccess.org