What is the 1951 Refugee Convention—and How Does It Support Human Rights?

The UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees—also known as “The 1951 Refugee Convention”— was formally adopted 70 years ago on July 28, 1951. The agreement is considered the “centrepiece of international refugee protection” and legally binds country signees to recognize and protect people who flee their countries of nationality because of persecution or […]

Asylum Access’ Bahati Kanyamanza Moderates Panel for New Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law

The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law is a groundbreaking new book that critiques international refugee law’s status quo and sets the agenda for future research. To access their human rights and rebuild their lives, forcibly displaced people need the ability to safely enter states, obtain legal status, move freely, gain employment and access state […]

Demandan ante CIDH que el Estado mexicano garantice los derechos de las personas migrantes

Ciudad de México, 1 de julio 2021.- Ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), 32 organizaciones de la sociedad civil expusieron la situación de las personas en movilidad humana en México. Durante la audiencia se subrayó la militarización de fronteras y la política migratoria con participación tanto de las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) y de […]

Where can US regional asylum policy go from here?

US-Mexico border policy is a priority for the Biden-Harris administration, which recently assigned Vice President Harris responsibility for its strategy and implementation. As the new administration develops its regional migration policy in Mexico and Central America, many of us in the humanitarian and asylum sectors are weighing the potential outcomes. Will the US continue severe […]

Organizaciones llaman a integrar a las personas migrantes y fortalecer la protección para las solicitantes de asilo en la región

Este lunes, organizaciones y redes de la sociedad civil, que trabajan con población migrante y solicitante de asilo en México, entregaron a la Embajada de Estados Unidos una carta dirigida a la Vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, quien estará de visita en nuestro país el próximo 8 de junio y sostendrá una reunión con el presidente Andrés Manuel López […]